WhatsApp has released several new features over the last few weeks, and the Meta-owned messaging app doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. After rolling out new visibility options for last seen, profile photo, and status, Android-to-iOS chat transfer support, and support for larger group chats, WhatsApp is now prepping another new feature.
According to a recent WABetaInfo report, WhatsApp is now readying a feature that will let you hide your online status from your contacts. The feature was first spotted in a beta build of WhatsApp for iOS a few weeks ago and it has now made its way to the Android app on the beta channel. Although it is not live in the latest WhatsApp beta release (v2.22.16.12), WABetaInfo has managed to grab the following screenshot of the in-development feature.
As shown in the screenshot, the upcoming online status visibility feature will show up in a new section within WhatsApp’s Last Seen privacy settings. It will include two options — “Everyone” and “Same as last seen.” If you pick the former, everyone will be able to see when you’re online. But if you go with the latter, WhatsApp will automatically pick the visibility option you selected for the Last Seen feature.
Depending on the option you picked for the Last Seen feature, you’ll be able to limit your online status to your contacts or your contacts except for the users you’ve blocked for the Last Seen feature. You’ll also be able to block everyone from viewing your last seen and online statuses by selecting the option labeled “Nobody.”
As mentioned earlier, this feature is still in development and it’s not available in the latest WhatsApp beta release. We don’t have any information regarding its rollout at the moment, but we’ll let you know as soon as it starts rolling out on the beta or stable channels.
Via: WABetaInfo
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