Rumors about Apple’s upcoming mixed reality headset have been surfacing for a while now. The company will reportedly be combining (augmented reality) AR and (virtual reality) VR to create an immersive experience for users. The reliable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has now shared even more details regarding the headset’s production, release date, and availability. If the details were to be accurate, Apple should be releasing its mixed reality device in late 2022.
According to 9to5Mac, Kuo’s note — which was sent to investors — mentions that availability will be limited at launch. More significant deliveries likely won’t occur until Q1 of 2023. This wouldn’t be surprising as Apple has been dealing with supply shortages recently. For example, the AirPods Max were announced in December 2020. However, estimated shipping times quickly slipped to March 2021.
Apple’s mixed reality headset is said to feature an “innovative three-display configuration” — which combines two Micro OLEDs and an AMOLED panel. It could also include powerful sensors for spatial awareness and an advanced processor. The first generation of the device will possibly be aimed at professionals — rather than average consumers. Rumors suggest that its price tag might even reach $3,000.
It’s unclear what kind of features the mixed reality headset will include. Additionally, we still don’t know whether it’ll appeal to the masses or have a very specific audience. Apple usually takes its time when releasing a new product, and it tends to bring innovative aspects to products released by its rivals. The AR/VR headset could potentially be introduced along with the iPhone 14 lineup in the Fall. It’s also possible that the company will include it as part of the Mac event. Apple typically holds two events towards the end of the year, so it’s safe to assume the product will at least be revealed in one of them. That’s assuming that the rumors are accurate, of course.
Do you see yourself buying a mixed reality headset from Apple? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Apple will reportedly launch its rumored Mixed Reality headset towards the end of this year appeared first on xda-developers.
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